Saturday, May 9, 2020
Management Theories Of Total Quality Management - 834 Words
In a trade association, the members that are served dictate the strategy for how the business operates. This theoretical summary will focus on the management theories of Total Quality Management and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation and the role that each of these theories play in the success of a trade association. The total quality management (TQM) viewpoint is based on an organizations ability to provide quality services and products, continuous improvement internally and externally, ongoing training and education, and most importantly customer satisfaction. Proper use of TQM results in improved product and service quality, more effective and efficient process design, reduction in the waste of resources, and thus higher productivity. (Yuni, 2013). In an association, customer satisfaction is extremely important and there is great emphasis placed on the quality of work that is produced by the association. Although there are many management strategies TQM embeds awareness of quality in all organizational processes and requires that organizations maintain quality standards in all aspects of the business. (Ross Perry 1999). Dr. W. Edwards Deming, is noted as the man who discovered quality and developed his principles with a focus on the customer and customer satisfaction as a measure of succ ess and achievement. (Gabor, 1992). As customer needs and demands change, the organization has to adapt to those changes. Understanding customer needs and being ableShow MoreRelatedToyota s Theory Of Total Quality Management1500 Words  | 6 Pagesmanufacturers, Toyota has always had a reputation for high quality automobiles at very competitive prices. Toyota’s approach to production is a ‘lean manufacturing system’ or a â€Å"Just-in-Time (JIT) system, which aims at producing vehicles in the fastest and most efficient way possible, in order to deliver vehicles in the fastest possible time. 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